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How Life Coaching Can Help You Keep Commitments to Yourself and Support Your Goals


Life coaching can aid a self-development journey and help change your mindset, offer support, and help you feel heard, perhaps for the first time. With life coaching it is possible to prioritise your personal, relationship, health, mental well-being, and professional goals to improve your overall happiness and wellness while staying in the 'driver's seat'. 


In this article, I will briefly go over what life coaching is and how it can specifically help people who are looking to build a trusting relationship with themselves and wish to see themselves as someone who can keep self-commitments.

What is Life Coaching?

Life coaches are not there to fix your problems on your behalf. Rather, life coaches will listen, support you and suggest tools to empower you. This can help you build a better relationship with yourself, aid you in defining your goals and allow you to finally stick to the commitments that you are making to yourself. 


Life coaching can be a useful tool during any stage of life. Good coaches will see your strengths and stay with your agenda to help you identify the key places you are struggling. Life coaching can help you see what you are capable of and support you in realising your goals. Of course, this isn't to say you cannot find this empowerment by yourself. However, having somebody there to check in with you can help you achieve your goals faster and with less friction.


Life coaching is tailored to the individual client's needs. As everyone has different needs and goals, a good life coach will spend time getting to know your background and help you identify areas in which you would like some help. Life coaching can help you identify the behaviours you would like to change and work with you to help develop a better relationship with yourself whereby you can trust yourself to stick to self-commitments. 

How Life Coaching Helps Support Self-Commitment Promises and Aids You in Achieving Your Goals

Many people seek the support of a life coach when they are struggling with a self-commitment mindset. If you feel like you have high aspirations for your future self or wish to work through a list of goals, you have set for yourself. Here are a few ways that a life coach can help support your goals. 

Feeling Heard 

A life coach will practise active listening skills to help you feel heard and understood while helping you clarify the key points of your narrative. A good life coach will always stay on your agenda and won’t interrupt you or impart their own opinions onto you. 


The experience of feeling heard and supported by a life coach can set the foundations of a trusting relationship between your life coach and yourself, which can ultimately support your journey in self-commitment. 

Clarify What You Want to Achieve 

Sometimes people come to life coaching to gain clarity as they are unable to identify the points they would like to work on by themselves. Talking with a life coach can help you clarify what you want to achieve and make you aware of certain topics in your agenda you may not have acknowledged previously.


A good life coach is trained in asking appropriate questions and observing your thoughts without judgement. They may occasionally use tools such as referencing back to previous statements you have made or pointing out contradictions. This may help you clarify what you want to achieve while also having somebody there to support you. 

Discovering Why You Have Previously Broken Promises to Yourself 

To break the pattern of avoiding self-commitments, it is important to discover what has led you to make certain behavioural actions in the past. 


Through working with a life coach, you can observe your previous patterns and identify unwanted actions or lack of action in a safe space. Feeling supported rather than criticised can be an important tool in self-reflection. 

Creating Routine

Creating a routine can help you achieve smaller goals and prove to yourself that you can meet your high expectations. By creating a routine with your life coach, you will have accountability and support as you change the routine to suit your lifestyle better. 


You have control in this scenario. However, if you want to seek your life coach's knowledge or request any suggestions you are free to do so as well.

Following Your Instinct

Through life coaching many people realise they are capable of more than they first thought. By working with a life coach to achieve hard things and keeping the commitments you make to yourself you can build a better relationship with yourself. 


Therefore, you can start to rely on your past self to create systems which help your future self, you can rely on your past self to make attainable goals in manageable chunks, and you can rely on your present self to act on the wishes of your future self. Through life coaching many people learn to trust their instincts along the way and this can help them after they complete their regular work with their life coach.

Clarifying and Modifying Your Commitments Over Time

A life coach may help you clarify the commitments you want to make to yourself and can give you tools to envision the life you want and then act. 


You may also want to modify the self-commitment you have made over time as you grow. A life coach can help give you prompts, such as ‘I have learnt…’, ‘now I believe…’, ‘I am confident in my ability to…’, which can help identify your journey and modify your goals over time. 

Setting Achievable Goals to Meet Your Commitments 

Although life coaching allows you to stay in control of your life and be the driving force in making changes to meet your commitments, a life coach can work with you to set achievable goals and check in with you to ensure you are staying on the path you desire. 

Finding the Right Coach for You

Naturally, every person is different and there will not be a single coach that is perfect for everyone. Therefore, I encourage you to investigate the ethos behind each life coach and their practice style to help you find a life coach you line up with. 


As a vegan raw food coach in London, some clients choose to utilise my expertise in meditation, vegan nutrition, and health during their life coaching journey. Others sign up for life coaching with me as they wish to speak to somebody who also shares their interests such as yoga, veganism, and running a business as a female founder.


If you would like to inquire about life coaching and discuss how it can help you improve your life while staying in control, please get in contact today. I would be happy to answer any more questions you have about how life coaching can support you in keeping commitments to yourself and changing your mindset. 



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